VJ Suave is a new media art studio created by Ygor Marotta and Ceci Soloaga, they have been working together since 2009.

“Birds of Northeast Brazil” is an immersive installation by VJ Suave. With 360° projections on four walls and the floor, the artists lead the audience on a unique journey through the nuances of Ceará’s nature. This installation showcases the diversity of 29 birds in its different environments, all represented in 2D and 3D animations, transforming into audiovisual narratives that celebrate the unique beauty of these birds in their habitats.

The work was developed at the invitation of Director Silas de Paula to become part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Image and Sound of Ceará.

Roda de Força is a tribute to Mestre Moa do Katendê.

Immersive virtual reality experience inside an Enchanted Forest

vj suave - suaveciclo

With animations manipulated in real time, Suaveciclo bring art to all audiences and create unique moments between the city and the viewer.

VJ Suave invited artists to participate in a live Visual Jam, using Tagtool App, developing many drawings and animations in a collaborative way.

The content was created simultaneously in Brazil, Uruguay, England and Austria, being projected in São Paulo city.

Immersive installations that take place inside galleries combining narratives, video mapping and sound landscape.

Shortmovies crafted from hand drawings, transformed into digital animation, then using projection techniques, characters fly and run across the urban landscape, fusing an animated story with real life.

vj suave - suaveciclo