16 Nov Suaveciclo Apple Keynote 2014
Suaveciclos in Rio de Janeiro to draw and animate live for Apple - Keynote 2014 using TAGTOOL app. ...
Suaveciclos in Rio de Janeiro to draw and animate live for Apple - Keynote 2014 using TAGTOOL app. ...
Using technology resources it is possible to draw, animate and project in real time. An audiovisual performance that allows the designer and animator to improvise in an expanded scale. ...
https://vimeo.com/76188577 Message to Man International Film Festival - St. Petersburg, Russia. Together with Alena Koroleva we created a russian version of suaveciclo, it was so beautiful that we brought it home and we now have 2 trycicles, we also did video-mapping, workshop, audiovisual and were jury...
https://vimeo.com/74453296 live drawing and animation with tagtool app 2013 -- our adventures during summer in europe. blue balls festival (switzerland - swiss) casa independente (lisboa - portugal) neurotitan gallery (berlin - germany) shiny toys festival (mulheim an der ruhr - germany) music: four tet - my...
2 suaveciclos in Circuito Sesc de Artes, touring 9 citys in the interior of São Paulo state. Circuito SESC brings accesible art (theatre, music, poetry, new media) to small towns. Tupã, Presidente Epitacio, Adamantina, Jales, Fernandopolis, Pederneiras, Garça e Marilia. March and April / 2014...
https://vimeo.com/69195079 [vc_row][vc_column width='1/2'] [/vc_column][vc_column width='1/2'] [/vc_column][/vc_row] 22/06 :: São Paulo - MIS, Festival Cultura inglesa Tagtool + Modul 8 2.7...
https://vimeo.com/69499956 08/06 :: Criolo + vjsuave :: Rio de Janeiro, Floresta da Tijuca ...
[vc_video link='https://vimeo.com/128796272'] videomapping, #reprogramandoSP, Museu Afrobrasil, Parque Ibirapuera, São Paulo. 05/2015...
[:pb]VJ Suave @ Avenida Paulista 2015.[:]...